The control of accidents is the direct result of Management working together for a common objective – No Accident.
The leadership and tone for such an effort originate with Project Management and Contractor Management. The degree to which management accepts this responsibility will determine the success or failure of the entire Safety Program.
1. Orientation and Training
Instruction and training of employees are required. Apart from own orientation-training employees and will also attend training presented by Owner as required.
The following are mandatory training programs:
• Indoctrination / Orientation
All employees will attend a site-specific orientation presented by Owner prior to the start of work or as required by Owner when site conditions change such as when there is a change in the construction phase and/or during pre-commissioning and startup. The goals set for the project, the project safety rules and regulations and the No Accident philosophy will be communicated to all employees, supervisors, and managers. The course will also emphasize the importance of human life and promote employee ownership and accountability by utilizing behavior-based safety techniques.
• Supervisor Training
All supervisors will attend a special Safety Leadership Skill-path training course
presented by Owner that aims to equip supervisors with the knowledge and skills to fulfill their safety roles, duties and responsibilities.
• Safety Officers Training
All safety officers will attend a Safety Personnel Development course designed and presented by Owner. This course aims to equip the safety officers with the skills and knowledge to perform their duties. The course is similar to the supervisor training mentioned above but concentrates on the roles, duties, and responsibilities of safety officers. In addition, it includes safety administration and procedures and field execution safe work practices as per the project safety manual and procedures.
• Work Assignments
All work assignments shall include specific attention to safety. "Follow-up" monitoring is required in order to prevent accidents. (Safety Action Plan / Job Safety Analysis / Safety Task Assignments / Safe Work Plan / Permits).
• Meetings
Properly conducted and recorded weekly safety meetings will be required. Additionally, all meetings, staff, progress, and others will have a portion of the agenda devoted to accident prevention and a safety topic.
• Toolbox meeting
Toolbox meetings will be held daily by all supervisors as a coaching tool to help
modify the behavior of the employees to work safely, effectively assign permitted work and to constructively correct unsafe and to effectively acknowledge employees and crews for working safely.
• Specific Training
The Safety Procedures require that employees performing specific tasks or operating specific equipment be trained and certified or designated as a competent person as defined. The following training/certification programs will be presented as required and verified by Owner:
a) Equipment operators – specific to the type and or model of equipment operated.
b) Forklift operators – initial training specific to the model and annual refresher
c) Electrical Lock Out Tag Out
d) Working on or around energized electrical equipment/circuits
e) Confined spaces – Supervisor, Entrant, Attendee
f) Scaffold – Builder, User, Inspector
g) Trenching and Excavation – Competent Person
h) Fall Protection – Usage, Inspection, 100% fall protection and time-off policy.
All employees working at elevation must attend.
i) Respiratory Protection – Use, inspection, care
j) Hazard Communication
k) Personal Protective Equipment
l) First Aid – first aid, bleeding, CPR.
m) Fire prevention – firefighting, fire extinguisher, fire prevention.
n) Hot work – gas cylinders, burning, welding, cutting.
o) Crane and Rigging – crane operation, signals, rigging/slinging, lifting
equipment, lift permits.
p) Pre-commissioning and Startup.
q) Other – as required.
A database will be developed to track employee training. The database will identify type and date of certification / training each employee has received. ID Badges will be color-coded to indicate the training employees received.
Safety Action Plan / Job Safety Analysis
It is the responsibility of project supervision, including contractor/subcontractor supervision to perform a Safety Action Plan and Job Safety Analysis either individually or in a group, before any assigned task is undertaken. Supervisors shall complete the JSA form (Job Safety Analysis) identifying any hazards that may be associated with a task and the abatement measures required eliminating or protecting against the hazard. The JSA will be discussed during daily Toolbox
talks and may require actual demonstration of how to perform the task safely.
Supervisor Safety Logbook
Each field supervisor shall use the Supervisor Safety logbook weekly and record his safety duties performed. The logbook is designed to guide the field supervisor through his safety duties and responsibilities and to record the safety issues he needs the help of management.
Area Discrepancy Logbook
Each work area on site shall maintain an Area Discrepancy Logbook in which safety supervisors, management, superintendents and Owner log safety deficiencies. The area supervisor is responsible for correcting all safety deficiencies logged immediately and sign off on each entry.
Weekly Safety Area Assessments
The Weekly Safety Area Assessment program will be used to conduct and document project inspections and corrective action. The assessment team will consist of the Owner, contractor management, respective contractor superintendent, safety representative and respective supervisor. Scores will be tracked and reported on weekly bases to the Safety Department and
Owner Safety Department. These assessments play a fundamental role in the safety program and safety incentives. The minimum assessment compliance score is 85%.
Quarterly Safety Audits
Owner Safety Department will conduct quarterly safety assessments. As part of the assessment, a comparison will be made of the three months average of Weekly Area Safety Assessments conducted by the project team and the final score of the Quarterly Assessment. The Scores should be relatively close in comparison.
Corporate Safety Assessments
Corporate Safety Department will conduct a corporate safety assessment annually or as often as directed by Owner depending on the safety performance. As part of the assessment, a comparison will be made of previous safety assessments conducted and the final score of the Corporate Assessment. The Scores should be relatively close in comparison. The member of the Corporate Safety Department will arrange a meeting with project management and discuss his findings and
will make suggestions on corrections and improvement and submit a written report to project management and Owner Safety Department.
Safety Alignment
Safety alignment sessions are presentations and meetings hosted by Owner with Owner project management, contractor project management, other senior contractor employees and safety representatives. The alignment sessions will be held at the start of construction and after Owner has conducted a project-wide safety audit every four to six months or when the major project and/or
important milestone or transition points were reached. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss project wide and safety concerns and to identify areas for improvement and to determine, as a safety alignment team, ways of improving safety in the areas needing improvement including safety behavioral modification. All safety improvement strategies agreed upon during the safety
alignment session(s) must be implemented.
Recordkeeping and Accident Reporting
It is the Safety Manager’s responsibility to maintain all records. This includes the maintenance of an accident log, annual summary and the posting of all mandatory posters.
Records of the following safety activities must be maintained at the project;
• Employee training and certifications.
• Tool Box meetings.
• Weekly Safety Assessments.
• Weekly safety reports.
• Monthly safety reports.
• Safety Task Assignment forms by supervisor.
• Employee medical records.
• Mobil equipment inspections.
• Equipment, Assured Grounding, PPE, Rigging, Ladder inspections.
• Hazard Communication Program and Material Safety Data Sheet file.
• Accident and incident investigations – Employee’s Report – Supervisor’s Report.
• Disciplinary action.
• First aid log.
Injury Log specific to the project and current for the year.
• Other as required.
•Accident, Incident Investigations
All accidents, incidents, first aid cases and near misses must be investigated. Affected employee(s) will complete an Employee’s Report of Occupational Illness/Injury and the employee’s supervisor shall complete a Supervisor’s Report of Accident. Based on the severity i.e. OSHA Recordable or Lost Work Day or nature of the incident additional investigation may be warranted. Investigations of OSHA Recordable or Lost Workday cases shall include a “ Root
Cause Analysis” and measures that will be implemented to prevent similar incidents.
A project investigation team consisting of the construction manager, site safety representative and respective contractor superintendent and supervisor(s) shall jointly investigate accidents, incidents, near misses and first aid cases deemed serious of nature. Incidents serious of nature will be reported the same day within three hours of occurrence by phone to the Owner Safety Department and project management.
The main language of the project will be English. All documentation will be in English and training will primarily be conducted in English. All levels of management, supervision, craft foremen, and safety personnel must be fluent in English to be accepted to work on the project. Translators will be employed to translate into all the other languages the workers employed to speak to assist in communication, instruction, training and toolbox talks. All documentation
translated into other languages shall be multilingual with English and the other language(s).
Safe Work Plan
All work performed on the project shall be according to and controlled by a daily Safe Work Plan which is an extension of the Job Safety Analysis. It shall be in accordance with the project safety rules and regulations and project safety procedures and specific to the type and scope of work and work area per supervisor. Area superintendents shall visit each work location at the
beginning of each work shift to check compliance to the planned work and the safety requirements thereof and sign the Safe Work Plan. The same is required towards the end of the shift.
Certain specific work requires a permit as per the project safety rules and regulations and project safety procedures. Examples of such specific permits are confined space entry, excavation, radiography work, lifting, etc. Such work must have a valid permit to perform the work.
The medical facilities must be equipped to treat first aid cases and injuries requiring medical treatment where the hospital facilities are not required and also treat common illnesses. Owner’s medical facility shall be the main medical facility on the project setting the standards by leading the treatment, auditing all medical facilities and audit inspection of man camps.
A Saudi Government certified physician and nurse, and an ambulance driver trained in first aid will staff medical facility must staff the medical facility. The physician is liable and responsible for all medical decisions and treatment administered.
The owner shall provide security at access points to the project in accordance with security rules and requirements. The site shall be secured with a fence with security controlled access gates. The site security procedure requires contractor a project ID badge for all employees working on the project, material entry/exit permits for material and vehicle passes for vehicles and buses transporting employees on site and equipment to access and egress the site.
The incentive plan shall be in accordance with Owner’s Incentive Plan for the project.
The control of accidents is the direct result of Management working together for a common objective – No Accident.
The leadership and tone for such an effort originate with Project Management and Contractor Management. The degree to which management accepts this responsibility will determine the success or failure of the entire Safety Program.
1. Orientation and Training
Instruction and training of employees are required. Apart from own orientation-training employees and will also attend training presented by Owner as required.
The following are mandatory training programs:
• Indoctrination / Orientation
All employees will attend a site-specific orientation presented by Owner prior to the start of work or as required by Owner when site conditions change such as when there is a change in the construction phase and/or during pre-commissioning and startup. The goals set for the project, the project safety rules and regulations and the No Accident philosophy will be communicated to all employees, supervisors, and managers. The course will also emphasize the importance of human life and promote employee ownership and accountability by utilizing behavior-based safety techniques.
• Supervisor Training
All supervisors will attend a special Safety Leadership Skill-path training course
presented by Owner that aims to equip supervisors with the knowledge and skills to fulfill their safety roles, duties and responsibilities.
• Safety Officers Training
All safety officers will attend a Safety Personnel Development course designed and presented by Owner. This course aims to equip the safety officers with the skills and knowledge to perform their duties. The course is similar to the supervisor training mentioned above but concentrates on the roles, duties, and responsibilities of safety officers. In addition, it includes safety administration and procedures and field execution safe work practices as per the project safety manual and procedures.
• Work Assignments
All work assignments shall include specific attention to safety. "Follow-up" monitoring is required in order to prevent accidents. (Safety Action Plan / Job Safety Analysis / Safety Task Assignments / Safe Work Plan / Permits).
• Meetings
Properly conducted and recorded weekly safety meetings will be required. Additionally, all meetings, staff, progress, and others will have a portion of the agenda devoted to accident prevention and a safety topic.
• Toolbox meeting
Toolbox meetings will be held daily by all supervisors as a coaching tool to help
modify the behavior of the employees to work safely, effectively assign permitted work and to constructively correct unsafe and to effectively acknowledge employees and crews for working safely.
• Specific Training
The Safety Procedures require that employees performing specific tasks or operating specific equipment be trained and certified or designated as a competent person as defined. The following training/certification programs will be presented as required and verified by Owner:
a) Equipment operators – specific to the type and or model of equipment operated.
b) Forklift operators – initial training specific to the model and annual refresher
c) Electrical Lock Out Tag Out
d) Working on or around energized electrical equipment/circuits
e) Confined spaces – Supervisor, Entrant, Attendee
f) Scaffold – Builder, User, Inspector
g) Trenching and Excavation – Competent Person
h) Fall Protection – Usage, Inspection, 100% fall protection and time-off policy.
All employees working at elevation must attend.
i) Respiratory Protection – Use, inspection, care
j) Hazard Communication
k) Personal Protective Equipment
l) First Aid – first aid, bleeding, CPR.
m) Fire prevention – firefighting, fire extinguisher, fire prevention.
n) Hot work – gas cylinders, burning, welding, cutting.
o) Crane and Rigging – crane operation, signals, rigging/slinging, lifting
equipment, lift permits.
p) Pre-commissioning and Startup.
q) Other – as required.
A database will be developed to track employee training. The database will identify type and date of certification / training each employee has received. ID Badges will be color-coded to indicate the training employees received.
Safety Action Plan / Job Safety Analysis
It is the responsibility of project supervision, including contractor/subcontractor supervision to perform a Safety Action Plan and Job Safety Analysis either individually or in a group, before any assigned task is undertaken. Supervisors shall complete the JSA form (Job Safety Analysis) identifying any hazards that may be associated with a task and the abatement measures required eliminating or protecting against the hazard. The JSA will be discussed during daily Toolbox
talks and may require actual demonstration of how to perform the task safely.
Supervisor Safety Logbook
Each field supervisor shall use the Supervisor Safety logbook weekly and record his safety duties performed. The logbook is designed to guide the field supervisor through his safety duties and responsibilities and to record the safety issues he needs the help of management.
Area Discrepancy Logbook
Each work area on site shall maintain an Area Discrepancy Logbook in which safety supervisors, management, superintendents and Owner log safety deficiencies. The area supervisor is responsible for correcting all safety deficiencies logged immediately and sign off on each entry.
Weekly Safety Area Assessments
The Weekly Safety Area Assessment program will be used to conduct and document project inspections and corrective action. The assessment team will consist of the Owner, contractor management, respective contractor superintendent, safety representative and respective supervisor. Scores will be tracked and reported on weekly bases to the Safety Department and
Owner Safety Department. These assessments play a fundamental role in the safety program and safety incentives. The minimum assessment compliance score is 85%.
Quarterly Safety Audits
Owner Safety Department will conduct quarterly safety assessments. As part of the assessment, a comparison will be made of the three months average of Weekly Area Safety Assessments conducted by the project team and the final score of the Quarterly Assessment. The Scores should be relatively close in comparison.
Corporate Safety Assessments
Corporate Safety Department will conduct a corporate safety assessment annually or as often as directed by Owner depending on the safety performance. As part of the assessment, a comparison will be made of previous safety assessments conducted and the final score of the Corporate Assessment. The Scores should be relatively close in comparison. The member of the Corporate Safety Department will arrange a meeting with project management and discuss his findings and
will make suggestions on corrections and improvement and submit a written report to project management and Owner Safety Department.
Safety Alignment
Safety alignment sessions are presentations and meetings hosted by Owner with Owner project management, contractor project management, other senior contractor employees and safety representatives. The alignment sessions will be held at the start of construction and after Owner has conducted a project-wide safety audit every four to six months or when the major project and/or
important milestone or transition points were reached. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss project wide and safety concerns and to identify areas for improvement and to determine, as a safety alignment team, ways of improving safety in the areas needing improvement including safety behavioral modification. All safety improvement strategies agreed upon during the safety
alignment session(s) must be implemented.
Recordkeeping and Accident Reporting
It is the Safety Manager’s responsibility to maintain all records. This includes the maintenance of an accident log, annual summary and the posting of all mandatory posters.
Records of the following safety activities must be maintained at the project;
• Employee training and certifications.
• Tool Box meetings.
• Weekly Safety Assessments.
• Weekly safety reports.
• Monthly safety reports.
• Safety Task Assignment forms by supervisor.
• Employee medical records.
• Mobil equipment inspections.
• Equipment, Assured Grounding, PPE, Rigging, Ladder inspections.
• Hazard Communication Program and Material Safety Data Sheet file.
• Accident and incident investigations – Employee’s Report – Supervisor’s Report.
• Disciplinary action.
• First aid log.
Injury Log specific to the project and current for the year.
• Other as required.
•Accident, Incident Investigations
All accidents, incidents, first aid cases and near misses must be investigated. Affected employee(s) will complete an Employee’s Report of Occupational Illness/Injury and the employee’s supervisor shall complete a Supervisor’s Report of Accident. Based on the severity i.e. OSHA Recordable or Lost Work Day or nature of the incident additional investigation may be warranted. Investigations of OSHA Recordable or Lost Workday cases shall include a “ Root
Cause Analysis” and measures that will be implemented to prevent similar incidents.
A project investigation team consisting of the construction manager, site safety representative and respective contractor superintendent and supervisor(s) shall jointly investigate accidents, incidents, near misses and first aid cases deemed serious of nature. Incidents serious of nature will be reported the same day within three hours of occurrence by phone to the Owner Safety Department and project management.
The main language of the project will be English. All documentation will be in English and training will primarily be conducted in English. All levels of management, supervision, craft foremen, and safety personnel must be fluent in English to be accepted to work on the project. Translators will be employed to translate into all the other languages the workers employed to speak to assist in communication, instruction, training and toolbox talks. All documentation
translated into other languages shall be multilingual with English and the other language(s).
Safe Work Plan
All work performed on the project shall be according to and controlled by a daily Safe Work Plan which is an extension of the Job Safety Analysis. It shall be in accordance with the project safety rules and regulations and project safety procedures and specific to the type and scope of work and work area per supervisor. Area superintendents shall visit each work location at the
beginning of each work shift to check compliance to the planned work and the safety requirements thereof and sign the Safe Work Plan. The same is required towards the end of the shift.
Certain specific work requires a permit as per the project safety rules and regulations and project safety procedures. Examples of such specific permits are confined space entry, excavation, radiography work, lifting, etc. Such work must have a valid permit to perform the work.
The medical facilities must be equipped to treat first aid cases and injuries requiring medical treatment where the hospital facilities are not required and also treat common illnesses. Owner’s medical facility shall be the main medical facility on the project setting the standards by leading the treatment, auditing all medical facilities and audit inspection of man camps.
A Saudi Government certified physician and nurse, and an ambulance driver trained in first aid will staff medical facility must staff the medical facility. The physician is liable and responsible for all medical decisions and treatment administered.
The owner shall provide security at access points to the project in accordance with security rules and requirements. The site shall be secured with a fence with security controlled access gates. The site security procedure requires contractor a project ID badge for all employees working on the project, material entry/exit permits for material and vehicle passes for vehicles and buses transporting employees on site and equipment to access and egress the site.
The incentive plan shall be in accordance with Owner’s Incentive Plan for the project.
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