Sunday 7 January 2018


Biomedical Waste


·       "Bio-medical waste" means any waste, which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities.

·       "Bio-medical waste treatment facility" means any facility wherein treatment, disposal of bio-medical waste or processes incidental to such treatment or disposal is carried out.

Duty of Occupier

·       It shall be the duty of every occupier of an institution generating bio-medical waste which includes a hospital, nursing home, clinic, dispensary, veterinary institution, animal house, pathological laboratory, blood bank by whatever name called to take all steps to ensure that such waste is handled without any adverse effect on human health and the environment.

Treatment & Disposal

·       Every occupier is required to arrange for bio-medical waste treatment facilities like incinerator, autoclave, microwave system for the treatment of waste, or, ensure requisite treatment of waste at a common waste treatment facility or any other waste treatment facility.

Segregation, Packaging, transportation & Storage

·       Bio-medical waste shall not be mixed with other wastes.
·       Bio-medical waste shall be segregated into containers/bags at the point of the generation prior to its storage, transportation, treatment, and disposal.

·       The containers shall be labeled properly.

·       If a container is transported from the premises where biomedical waste is generated to any waste treatment facility outside the premises, the container shall carry appropriate information’s required.

·       As per the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 untreated biomedical waste shall be transported only in the vehicles authorized by competent authority.

·       No untreated bio-medical waste shall be kept stored beyond a period of 48 hours, if it is required to store beyond 48 hours, the generator must take permission from an authorized person and take measures to ensure that the waste does not adversely affect human health and the environment.

Annual Report

·       Every occupier/operator shall submit an annual report to the prescribed authority in Form 11 by 31 January every year, to include information about the categories and quantities of biomedical wastes handled during the preceding year.
·       The prescribed authority shall send this information in a compiled form to the Central Pollution Control Board by 31 March every year.

Maintenance of Records

·       Every authorized person shall maintain records related to the generation, collection, reception, storage, transportation, treatment, disposal and/or any form of handling of bio-medical waste in accordance with these rules and any guidelines issued.

·       All records shall be subject to inspection and verification by the prescribed authority at any time.

Accident Reporting

·       When an accident occurs at any institution or facility or any other site where bio-medical waste is handled or during transportation of such waste, the authorized person shall report the accident in Form III to the prescribed authority.

Color Coding and Type of Container for Disposal of Bio-Medical Wastes
Color Coding
Type of Container & Waste Category
Plastic bag – Category 1, 2, 3 & 6
Disinfected Container / Plastic Bag – Category 3, 6 & 7
Blue / White
Plastic Bag / Puncture Proof Container – Category 4 & 7
Plastic Bag – Category 5, 9 & 10

Categories of Biomedical Waste

  • ·       Chemicals treatment using at least 1% hypochlorite solution or any other equivalent chemical reagent.
  • ·       It must be ensured that chemical treatment ensures disinfection.
  • ·       Shredding must be such so as to prevent unauthorized reuse.
  • ·       There will be no chemical pretreatment before incineration.
  • ·       Chlorinated plastics shall not be incinerated.
  • ·       Deep burial shall be an option available only in towns with population less than five lakhs and in rural areas

Waste Category No.
Waste Category [Type]
Treatment & Disposal
Category No 1
Human Anatomical Waste (human tissues, organs, body parts)
Incineration/Deep Burial
Category No 2
Animal Waste
Incineration/Deep Burial
Category No 3
Microbiology & Biotechnology Waste (Wastes from Lab)
Incineration/Auto Clave/Micro Wave
Category No 4
Waste sharps (Needles, Syringes)
Disinfection/Micro Wave/Shredding
Category No 5
Discarded Medicines
Category No 6
Solid Waste(Items contaminated with blood, and body fluids including cotton, dressings, soiled plaster casts, lines, beddings, other material contaminated with blood)
Incineration/Auto Clave/Micro Wave
Category No 7
Solid Waste (wastes generated from disposable items other than the sharp wastes
Disinfection/Micro Wave/Shredding
Category No 8
Liquid Waste (waste generated from laboratory and washing, cleaning, housekeeping and disinfecting activities)
Disinfection/Micro Wave/Shredding
Category No 9
Incineration Ash (ash from incineration of any bio-medical waste)
Category No 10
Chemical Waste (chemicals used in production of biological’s, chemicals used in disinfection, as insecticides, etc.)
Chemical Treatment/Landfill

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