Friday 12 January 2018



1. Formulate a policy with regard to the safety and health at work of all staff.

2. Provide a safe and healthy working environment for his employees and protect others who may

be affected by the work.

3. Provide adequate and appropriate information, instruction, training, and supervision to his employees.

4. Set out safety and health standards and procedures.

5. Appoint responsible personnel to ensure that the safety and health policy is fully implemented, and the safety and health standards, instructions and procedures are strictly observed and followed.

6. Provide adequate and proper personal protective equipment for his employees.


1. Be conversant and co-operate with the employer in administering the Safety Policy and following the safety and health requirements as stipulated under the law and the works contract, such as the site safety manual, the site safety handbook, and other safety and health standards, instructions and procedures, which are related to their work to avoid accident.

2. Work safely and take good care of themselves and others who may be affected by them at all times, avoid to be complacent and take dangerous shortcuts, avoid to improvise dangerous tools, and always seek assistance and advice if in doubt.

3. Use the personal protective equipment as required and take reasonable care of them when they are not used.

4. Take immediate action to rectify any unsafe tools, equipment, and plant or any unhealthy conditions, or report them immediately to their supervisors or the responsible person in control of the workplace.

5. Report all accidents to the supervisors immediately after their occurrences.
If you see a situation which in your opinion involves a risk of death or serious injury, you have a duty to report and take immediate action. Ignorance of the safety and health standards, instructions and procedures, and inadvertence and complacency at work will not be accepted as an excuse for neglect of duty.

 Safety Officer

1. Assist his proprietor/employer in the implementation of the Safety Policy and the safety and health requirements as stipulated under the law and the works contract, such as the site safety manual, the site safety handbook, and other safety and health standards and instructions.

2. Assist in ensuring that all plant, machinery, equipment, and tools are maintained in safe working order. Ensure that the names of the persons designated by the Contractor for the operation of particular plant and equipment are recorded in a register and check that the plant and equipment are only operated by designated competent persons.

3. Assist in ensuring that all fire services installations and fire escapes are maintained in good working order.

4. Assist in ensuring the safety and health condition and good housekeeping in the workplace.

5. Conduct safety inspections to project sites, plants, and workshops, and prepare inspection reports.

6. Ensure the observance of the safety rules and safe practices by the staff, and assist in the supervision of safety supervisors.

7. Report to the site management any unsafe practices and unsafe conditions in the workplace. Prepare and submit statutory reports to the proprietor/employer.

8. Carry out a risk assessment and prepare safety method statements, including control measures for high and medium risk activities as necessary.

9. Conduct accident investigation and prepare investigation reports, and recommend preventive measures to avoid recurrence.

10. Organize/conduct safety training courses and seminars, and prepare training records.

11. Arrange and organize safety promotion activities.

Safety Personnel

12. Liaise with Labour Department’ s Occupational Safety Officers and representatives of safety & health organizations.

13. Clearly, identify himself on site by wearing an armband or a safety helmet appropriately marked in Chinese and English.

"Safety Officer" means a person registered as a safety officer in accordance with the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors) Regulations and employed by the contractor to carry out the duties of a Safety Officer as specified in the Contract and duties specified in the FIU R.

 Safety Supervisor

1. Assist the Safety Officer and the site management in implementing the safety and health requirements, standards and instructions.

2. Be familiar with the statutory regulations applicable to the work on which their gang is engaged; insist that the regulations are observed and followed, and all accidents reported immediately.

3. Keep all staff informed of the Safety Policy and take all reasonably practicable steps for carrying it out.

4. Incorporate safety instructions in routine orders and see that they are obeyed.

5. Take all reasonable steps to prevent workers from taking risks.

6. Assist the Safety Officer in arranging new employees, particularly inexperienced and apprentices or new recruits to receive site-specific safety induction course and to learn to take safety precautions. Conduct Tool Box Talks for workers.

7. Ensure that protective clothing and equipment are used whenever appropriate.

8. Discourage “horseplay” and reprimand those who fail to consider their own safety and that of others.

9. Report to the immediate supervisor on any defects and ensure that any unsafe plant and equipment are not used.

10. Ensure that all plant and equipment are in a safe and secure state when left unattended.

11. Remind the management to replenish first aid boxes at regular intervals.

12. Report to the management and/or Safety Officer on matters relating to safety and health.

Safety Personnel

13. Clearly, identify himself on site by wearing an armband or a
 Safety Representative

1. Safety Representative is generally a foreman or ganger of a specific trade working full-time on site.

2. Assist the Safety Officer and the site management in enforcing the safety and health requirements, standards and instructions.

3. Incorporate safety instructions in routine orders and see that they are obeyed.

4. Take all reasonable steps to prevent workers from taking risks. Discourage “horseplay” and reprimand those who fail to consider their own safety and that of others.

5. Ensure that protective clothing and equipment are used whenever appropriate.

6. Report to the site management and/or Safety Officer on matters relating to safety and health.

7. Clearly identify himself on site by wearing an armband or a safety helmet appropriately marked in Chinese and English.

Architect/Engineer’s Representative and Site Supervisory Staff

1. Implement Works Bureau’ s Safety Policy and the safety and health requirements as stipulated under the law and the works contract, the Construction Site Safety Manual, the Construction Site Safety Handbook, Safety Plan (if any) and other safety and health standards, instructions, and procedures.

2. Carry out site inspections to ensure that the safety and health standards, rules, and practices are being complied with and corrective actions are taken as necessary.

3. Ensure maintenance records of all machinery, plant, equipment, and tools are kept, and all plant and equipment are operated by competent persons.

4. Ensure that all identified defective machinery, plant, equipment, and tools are suspended/withdrawn from service until they are satisfactorily repaired.

5. Check that the personal protective equipment is properly maintained, readily available and are correctly used.

6. Report any inadequacy in safety and health measures and dangerous incidents for follow up action.

7. Closely monitor the contractors’ works for any unsafe practices or unsafe methods. Ask for their rectification as soon as possible by means of the power delegated to him under the contract.

8. Chair the Site Safety Management Committee Meetings, and attend the Site Safety Committee Meetings.

9. Closely liaise with the Labour Department and/or the Marine Department on the construction site safety matters.

10. Conduct accident investigation and recommend corrective action for preventing similar accidents.

11. Compile site accident statistics and report on the contractors’ safety performance.

12. Assign and train site staff to administer safety provisions in the contract.

13. Attend safety audits and ensure that follow-up actions on the recommendations made by safety auditors in the safety audit reports are taken.

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