Element 3: Musculoskeletal Hazards and Risk Control
1) A worker is manually loading boxes of components onto metal shelves.
(a) Identify four types of injury that the worker could suffer while carrying this activity.
(b) Identify the factors in relation to the task that could increase the risk of injury.
(c) Identify the factors in relation to the load that could increase the risk of injury.

(a) The injuries that could be possible while performing a manual handling includes:
_ Muscular sprains and strains
_ Back Injuries
_ Trapped Nerve
_ Hernia
_ Work Related Upper Limb Disorder
_ Cuts, Bruises and Abrasions
_ Fractures
_ Fractures
(b) The factors that need to be considered with respect to task while performing a manual handling includes:
_ Does the task involve twisting and stooping
_ Does the task involve pushing or pulling
_ Is the task very repetitive
_ Does the task involve lifting the load through a vertical distance
_ Rest breaks provided while performing the task
_ Is a long carrying distance involved
_ Does the task involve lifting the load above the shoulder height
(c) The factors that need to be considered with respect to load while performing a manual handling includes:
_ Size, Shape and Volume of the load
_ How heavy the load is
_ Gripping facility available in the load
_ Does the load to be carried have sharp edges
_ The temperature of the load to be carried
_ The stability of the load to be carried
_ The centre of gravity of the load
_ Stacked method of the load
2)a) Outline the possible risks to health associated with the use of Display screen equipment (DSE).
b) Identify the features of a chair to ensure it is suitable for use at a DSE workstation.
a) The possible health risks associated while using display screen equipment includes:
_ Musculoskeletal Disorder or WRULD: Which normally occurs as a result of the repetitive use of the keyboard and
mouse for long periods of time
_ Eye Problem: Temporary eye fatigue associated with prolonged use of the screen
_ Fatigue and Stress: Associated with the type of work being done
_ Radiation
b) The features of the chair that need to be used in a display screen equipment workstation include:
_ It should have Good lumbar support
_ Seat should have Good width and depth
_ Chair should be adjustable height wise and the back also.
_ It should have Stable base
_ It should have provision swivel
_ Availability of armrests
3) Outline eight precautions that should be taken when leaving a forklift truck unattended.
The precautions that need to be considered when leaving a forklift truck unattended includes the following: Park it at designated areas, Apply brakes before leaving the forklift, and Keep the controls in neutral position, Switch off the engine once it is parked, Remove key & return it to the responsible person, Forks shall rest on the floor, Mast shall be tilted slightly forward, Do not park the forklift so that it obstructs the walkway, Parked forklift should not obstruct fire exits/fire points.
4) Outline the precautions that should be taken when performing a lifting operation using a crane.
Proper slinging methods need to be adopted while performing a lifting operation, use taglines attached to the load so as to avoid the swinging of the load during lifting due to the presence of wind. Avoid impact or jerk load as it may affect the
stability of the equipment and also may cause swinging of the load during the lifting operation. Remove all the loose materials present during lifting so as to avoid it from falling. If the load that needs to be lifted have sharp edges proper packing’s need to be provided to avoid load from cutting the slings and lower the load into packing so as to avoid the crushing of the slings by the load. Loads should be distributed to all legs of the slings and never leave a load suspended.
5) Forklift trucks are operating in a busy workplace
Identify suitable control measures to reduce the risk of collision with the workers.
1) Segregation if possible: A different path is provided for vehicle and people movements
2) Separate routes: If the different path is not possible, then designated pathway is provided.
3) Provide Median: Provide solid median for opposite vehicles movement or establish “one-way” movement of vehicles.
4) Clearly marked routes: The paths should be clearly marked to show pedestrian path and vehicles.
5) Clear direction signs and door marking: Adequate & appropriate sign boards are fixed on the path showing clear signs of direction, warning etc.
6) Gangways suitable width and clearance: The vehicle path and the peoples are paths are of adequate width for easy movements of both.
7) Speed limits: Install speed limits wherever required.
8) Adequate lighting: The pathway is well lit.
6) Identify the factors to be considered in an ergonomic in an ergonomic assessment of a display screen equipment workstation
1) Provide adequate lighting
2) Avoid glare or reflections from the screen
3) Comfortable temperature
4) Adequate working space should be ensured
5) The Chair must be of the swivel type and have five or more castors. The height of the seat should be adjustable. The height and rake of the backrest should also be adjustable. If the chair has arms, they should be either adjustable or in such a position as to not restrict movement.
The chair must allow the user to obtain the recommended ergonomically correct seating posture.
6) The Chair must be of the swivel type and have five or more castors. The height of the seat should be adjustable. The height and rake of the backrest should also be adjustable. If the chair has arms, they should be either adjustable or in such a position as to not restrict movement. The chair must allow the user to obtain the recommended ergonomically correct seating posture.
7) A foot-rest is not necessary unless the user is unable to place his/her feet comfortably flat on the floor. The foot-rest should be adjustable to individual requirements.
8) Document holder should be stable, adjustable in height and angle and be placed close to the screen to minimize head movement.
9) The Screen: The characters on the screen should be stable and free from flicker, of suitable size and adequately spaced. The contrast and brightness of the screen should be easily adjustable. The screen should tilt and swivel easily. The screen should, if practicable, be placed at right angles to any windows and parallel to overhead lighting. The top of the screen should normally be just below eye-level
10) The Keyboard: The keyboard should be adjustable in angle. The key symbols should be adequately contrasted. There should be sufficient space in front of the keyboard for the user to rest his/her wrists and/or arms.
11) The Software: The software should perform the task required of it. It should provide feedback on the performance of the system. The software should be reliable; software that “crashes” frequently causes unnecessary stress to the user.
7) Outline the specific hazards associated with the use of battery-powered forklift trucks and identify the precautions necessary in each case.
The specific hazards associated with the battery powered forklift trucks are: Charging batteries emit hydrogen gas which is explosive; Batteries contain dilute sulphuric acid which is corrosive in nature; Batteries are extremely heavy thereby causing manual handling risk; Electricity can cause arcing, shock, burns or fire; Battery contents are environmental hazard requiring appropriate disposal; Battery leads can short and result in burns and electric shock
The precautions that can be used may include: Batteries must be charged in well-ventilated areas only away from the ignition sources; Sulphuric acid should be handled wearing appropriate personal protective equipment; Battery
handling should be mechanized; Electrical risk may require the use of insulated tools and gloves
8) Outline the precautions that should be taken when using the mobile cranes
Crane Suitability: Safe working load of the crane be more than the load being lifted : Ground Conditions: Firm and even ground condition: Outriggers : Outriggers be extended fully: Obstructions: Ensure no obstruction when lifting or swinging he material: Overhead Power Lines: Ensure no overhead lines above the crane: Limit Switches Hoist, Boom limit switches are functioning: Suitable lifting tackle: Tested and suitable lifting tackles shall be used: Slinging Method :
Proper slinging methods adopted so that the load is balanced when lifting: Travelling with load : Avoid travelling with load as far as possible: Good Visibility: Ensure good visibility for the operator: Communications: Standard communication be established and known to all concerned: Environment: Work during daylight and not under heavy wind: Competent Operator: Competent Operator be deployed:
Signal Man: Post a signal who knows the standard signals with visibility jacket: Rigging Gang: Experienced and Trained rigger be deployed
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