Self-assessment questionnaire

1. Commitment and policy
Is there a published OH&S policy that has been communicated to all personnel working for, or on behalf of, the organization?
Is OH&S recognized as an integral part of the business performance?
Does the organization recognize the need to achieve a high level of OH&S the performance with compliance to legal requirements as a minimum goal, and
to press for continual cost-effective improvement in its performance?
Does the organization commit itself to providing adequate and appropriate resources to implement the policy?
Does it commit itself to setting and publishing its OH&S objectives?
Does it commit itself to placing the management of OH&S as a prime responsibility with line managers, from the most senior executive down to first-line supervisors?
Does it commit itself to ensuring that the policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the organization?
Does it recognize the need to gain the commitment of employees to the policy by encouraging their active participation?
Does it commit itself to periodically reviewing the policy and management system and to carry out audits to verify compliance with the policy?
Does it commit itself to ensuring that personnel working for, or on behalf of, the organization receive appropriate training and are competent to carry out their duties and responsibilities?
2. Planning
A comprehensive risk assessment programme following a hierarchy of control measures and covering all activities is in place
A risk control action plan is in place to deal with those risks not judged to be acceptable
Legal and other requirements which apply to all activities are identified and the relevant documents are held
Overall plans and objectives are in place for achieving OH&S policy
Arrangements are in place for ensuring that there is sufficient knowledge, skills and experience available to manage OH&S issues effectively
Operational plans for implementing risk controls are in place
Operational plans for implementing legal and other requirements are in place
Operational control activities are in place for ensuring that OH&S policy is implemented and effectively managed
Arrangements are in place for measuring, auditing and reviewing OH&S performance to identify any shortfalls and implementing necessary corrective and preventive actions
Arrangements are in place for implementing, monitoring and reviewing corrective and preventive actions
3. Implementation and operation
A top manager is allocated with full responsibility for OH&S throughout the organization
There is clear responsibility in the management structure
There is clear accountability in the management structure
There is clear delegation of authority in the management structure
Any necessary resources are allocated
All personnel working for, or on behalf of, the organization are aware of their individual responsibilities
All personnel working for, or on behalf of, the organization are aware of their
responsibility to others who may be affected by the activities they control
All personnel working for, or on behalf of, the organization are aware of the
consequences of their action or inaction
A training, awareness and competence assessment programme is in place
for personnel working under its control
A retraining and refresher training programme is in place
A system for effective, open two-way communication of OH&S information is
in place with all interested parties
Specialist (in-house or external) advice/services are made available, where
Workers (including contractors) and external interested parties are fully
involved and consulted
An adequate documentation system is in place
A system is in place for ensuring documents are kept up to date and relevant Contingency plans are in place for emergencies, including arrangements for evacuating the site, liaison with the emergency services and start-up following an emergency
Emergency response takes into account the needs of relevant interested
parties and is periodically tested
4. Checking
OH&S performance and the effectiveness of controls is routinely measured
Proactive measures are used Reactive measures are used
Monitoring OH&S performance to ensure policy, objectives and targets are
being met is taking place
Where performance is not meeting criteria, the root causes are identified and
appropriate corrective and preventive action is taken
Evaluation of companies against legal and other requirements is undertaken
Records of compliance with legal and other requirements are being kept
There is a procedure for reporting, investigating and correcting any health
and safety incidents
Records of compliance of the management system are maintained
5. Audit
Programmed audits of the OH&S Management System are taking place
Staff conducting audits are competent to perform this task
Staff conducting audits are independent of the activity being audited
Audits verify that the organization is fulfilling its OH&S obligations
Audits identify strengths and weaknesses in the OH&S Management System
Audits verify that the organization is achieving its OH&S performance targets
Audit results are communicated to all relevant personnel
Audit results are the basis for corrective action
6. Management review
Programmed reviews of the OH&S Management System are taking place
The review considers the overall performance of the OH&S Management
The review considers the performance of the individual elements of the
The review considers the findings of audits The review considers internal and
external factors affecting OH&S management
The review is forward-looking, adopting a proactive approach towards
improving the OH&S Management System and business performance
The review considers the results of participation and consultation with
interested external third parties
The review identifies decisions and actions relevant to changes to OH&S
performance, policy and objectives
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